Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tour Oklahoma: Sequoyah's Cabin 08/09/09

Sequoyah’s Cabin is a national landmark celebrating the home of the famed Cherokee known for inventing the Cherokee alphabet.

We had not planned to visit it but on the way to Brushy Lake State Park near Sallisaw, OK we saw signs for it and decided to stop by. After visiting Brushy Lake we went there and it was closed. Bummer.

It looked like a very nice place but we needed to get home. Maybe next time.

Tour Oklahoma: Brushy Lake State Park 08/09/09

When we first arrived we saw the sign to turn in. As usual we stopped and took a picture of the sign and then turned in. Then we thought we had done something wrong because we kept driving and saw private homes for quite a while. We even passed Reagan Road along the way so we took a picture of the sign for Reagan. Finally, we arrived at the actual entrance to the park.

This was a very small park that was just for camping. There were no trails or anything. If you were camping and there to enjoy the lake I’m sure you could have a great time.

However, we had spent the whole weekend at Lake Tenkiller and were just checking this park off our list on the way home so we did a quick drive through and were on our way out in about five minutes.

Nothing to see folks, move along.

However, on the way back through Sallisaw, I did take a picture of an old OTASCO sign. OTASCO (Oklahoma Tire and Supply Company) is a now out of business company that used to have stores all over Oklahoma and even into some other states. I used to work at one in OKC when I was about 18. I sold appliances. That's when I decided I didn't want to be in sales. Nothing against OTASCO. I just didn't like sales. Before that I worked at Kinney Shoes! Yes, I am a Certified Shoe Counselor.

Tour Oklahoma: Cherokee Landing State Park 08/08/09

Saturday morning we got up and ate breakfast and then drove to Cherokee Landing State Park. This park is at the north end of Lake Tenkiller and is really just a park full of places to camp.

There isn’t really much to do unless you are camping or brought your own boat. But the park was very nice. It still had the view of Lake Tenkiller which is gorgeous.

We did a drive through. Got out and took a couple pictures and left. That was all there really was to do since we weren’t staying there.

Tour Oklahoma: Tenkiller State Park 08/07/09

After Jennifer’s MRI was postponed, she and Judy made it to the lake house in Black Gum and we finally joined up with them while worried about being infested with ticks (see Greenleaf).

We unloaded, showered and finally went to the marina to their boat. As they started it up the battery was dead. Some friendly folks helped us charge it and we finally got going.

After all of the events we had all been through throughout the day we all kept laughing about our comedy of errors.

But then the fun began. We had a great time tubing, skiing, and swimming. The boys were having a blast. Jennifer had a devilishly good time trying to cause me pain so I didn’t ride too much.

The scenery at Lake Tenkiller is beautiful. The water is pretty blue for a lake in Oklahoma and everywhere you look it is simply gorgeous.

We had fun on the lake until dark and then went to the house, showered and crashed.

The next day we had planned on going to several State Parks near Tenkiller. However, the kids had so much fun the day before that I decided to be Dad of the Year and let them enjoy more time at the lake. We visited Cherokee Landing State Park Saturday morning and then spent the rest of the day back at Tenkiller with Jennifer and her son, Noah, who had now joined us, and Judy.

We had another great day. The water was more choppy which made the tubing more exciting.

After hanging out on the lake all afternoon we rode four wheelers for a couple hours. The boys had a blast doing that. Then we ate dinner at Big Daddy’s restaurant “on the Dam Highway.” It was pretty good.

Then we went back to the lake house and cooked S’mores outside on the fire and had a great time just talking. Everyone was exhausted and we finally went to bed.

The next morning we had a great breakfast together and then we packed up and left for Brushy Lake State Park.

We can’t say thanks enough to the Ashford’s for a great weekend. They have a wonderful place with a beautiful view and we had a great time just being with them.

Tour Oklahoma: Greenleaf State Park 08/07/09

Our plan for the weekend was to make our base at the lake house of our friends the Ashford’s (Jennifer and her mom Judy) and visit six more Oklahoma State Parks near Lake Tenkiller.

Jennifer had to get an MRI that morning on her leg (note the HIPAA violation) so we were going to go ahead of them and visit Greenleaf State Park and then meet them at the lake house in Black Gum, OK and then on to their boat at Pine Cove Marina at Lake Tenkiller.

We made it to Greenleaf State Park and were impressed. It is a large, nice park with a lot to offer. We wanted to see the cabins because they were built back during the Roosevelt administration through the WPA and by German POW’s. We drove through the park and looked at the cabins. Not much to look at. Just basic cabins. But it was interesting knowing their history.
Then we drove through more of the park and looked at the lake and the "Cabin Near The Lake." It all looked very nice.

Then we decided to hike along the trail. It is a huge trail that the sign near it says takes twelve hours if you hike the entire trail. Uh…yeah, that’s not gonna happen. But we did want to do a little hiking so we started along the trail and had a nice time. The weather wasn’t too hot because it was mostly shady. Once we turned around and headed back it was starting to heat up though. We finally made it back and got in the van and were about to leave the park.

And that’s when it happened.

Reagan yelled, “Aaaagghh! I’m covered in tiny spiders!”

He jumped out of the van and Tina started helping him get them off. I noticed I had them on me too. In fact, we all did. Apparently, we picked them up on the hike. They were really tiny. About the size of a pen dot. Hundreds of them.

We pulled over to a bathroom and had to change clothes and rinse off and realized they weren’t spiders…but ticks!

We left the park looking forward to getting to the lake house. Tina called our doctor to see if we were going to die. They thought we would live but told us what to do and what to watch for.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tour Oklahoma: Little Sahara State Park 07/24/09

I was stunned the day before when I suggested we go to Little Sahara and Tina agreed. There is really not much to do there other than ride ATV’s and she is not really into letting the kids risk their lives.

When we pulled up alongside Little Sahara State Park and she saw the giant sand dunes she said, “Ohhhh, I think I made a mistake!” It was very cute and funny.

We ate lunch at the only café in Waynoka, OK then went across the street to rent a dune buggy from Stewarts. If you don’t bring your own vehicle they are the only place in town to get one. They rent four wheelers, dune buggies and the whatever-we-rented that we called a dune buggy. You’ll just have to look at it in the pictures.

The kids were disappointed that they had a firm rule that you have to be 16 or older to drive any of their vehicles. It didn’t bother us. The rule makes sense and we abided by it. They are very serious about the safety of their riders and the safety of their vehicles and are very thorough in explaining everything. Some might think they are overboard but I didn’t think so. Off-roading is dangerous business and they took it seriously. Plan on taking 30 minutes to an hour to get your vehicle depending on how many of you there are and what all you are getting.

Once we were all set we headed practically across the street to the north entrance of the park. Then we took turns riding around in the sand dunes. I had never done anything like that before and it was a blast!

I go to drive a lot because everyone wanted to ride with me. Tammy also drove her girls a lot. Haley was the only one who rode with both of us. She said we were equally terrifying, we just had different styles. We both got lost a couple times also.

I cannot recommend this experience enough. Everybody should do this. We want to go back again and either rent more four wheelers and dune buggies or take our own and spend some more time doing it again. (Well, I’m not sure Tina wants to do it again but the rest of us do!)

Then we took the dune buggy back to Stewarts. It was really interesting how different their personality was once you brought their vehicle back safely and you were safe. They were not unfriendly before but they were extremely friendly afterwards.

Then we headed home exhausted and ate pizza in Watonga on the way. It was a great trip with great memories.

Tour Oklahoma: Boiling Springs State Park 07/24/09

Since this part of our trip was not planned we got up and went to Wal-Mart in Woodward to get a few supplies. Mainly toothbrushes, and water since we were going to Little Sahara later in the day.

Then we went to Boiling Springs State Park just outside of Woodward. When we pulled in it looked from the park map like the main spring was right behind the park office. We parked and went in the office to be sure.

The lady in the office was very nice and explained that there were several spring throughout the park but the one behind the office was the biggest one and the others were often covered with grass and brush.

We were very excited to see this “boiling spring.” (I had several conversations the night before explaining to everyone that there would in fact be a boiling spring, thus, the name of the park.)

We walked around behind the office and followed a little side walk. There was a sign pointing the way to the River Trail but nothing saying anything about where the spring was.

There was something that looked like a picnic pavilion behind the office and away from the trail and the kids ran over to it. It looked odd because there was a rectangle cinderblock structure in the middle about waist high. Some of the kids started saying “I think this is it!” Others were saying, “There’s nothing here! It’s just water.”

When we all got there we looked in and there was a few feet of water and three little holes bubbling up water at the bottom. It was weird because it was all surround with cinder block and the bottom was concrete except for right where the holes were where there was sand.

It finally dawned on us that this was it. It was a major letdown. Everyone started laughing. After reading the sign on the pavilion about it we decided to walk the River Trail.

Once we did we realized that there was a small shallow creek running along the trail for a bit that was fed from up the hill by the “boiling spring.” That made it slightly more impressive. But only slightly.

The trail was not very impressive either. It was the least interesting of any of the trails we had seen in any of the parks so far.

Suddenly, Reagan said, “There’s a deer!”

I think everyone saw it except Tammy and Lexie.

We finally arrived at the end of the trail. Reagan said, “All these trails are the same. They end at a river where there is a tree that has fallen down like that one.”

I actually think that was the first trail we had been on that ended at a river but the kids wanted to get to Little Sahara so we walked back to the cars and left Boiling Springs behind.

Tour Oklahoma: Alabaster Caverns State Park 07/23/09

Last year we heard about the Selman Bat Watch near Alabaster Caverns State Park (Freedom, OK). We wanted to go see it but learned you have to have a reservation and they “sell out” (though free) almost immediately so you have to plan way ahead. This year we registered on the first day we could and got right in on the day we wanted.

We also scheduled a cave tour ($8 adults, $5 children) for everyone but me. I’m way too claustrophobic. I really wanted to see the tour and was worried it wouldn’t be so bad. After seeing the pictures I’m glad I didn’t do the tour.

When we first arrived we checked in at the office and they were able to get us in on an earlier tour. Everyone took the tour while I read a book in the shade. It was starting to get hot outside. They were cool in the cave.

Everyone loved the cave tour. I bought a couple Frisbees in the gift shop and we threw the Frisbees around for a little while once they were finished. Then we went on an unplanned hike.

Then we decided to go eat. There is a café in the park that was pretty good although it was packed and took a very long time. Thankfully, we had plenty of time to spare and we were inside out of the heat.

Then we went to meet up for the bat tour. Our tour guide started out the orientation by doing the Echolocation Dance. Then they told some interesting facts and passed some snakes and spiders around (in cages).

Then we loaded up in Woodward Public School busses and drove to the site (outside of the park) where we would watch the bats fly out of the caves. They told us some more info about the bats. The tour guide was very knowledgeable. Then right on cue about half a million mommy bats came flying out of the cave in formation.

It was very cool. It is hard to describe. It was a little less exciting than I thought it would be, yet it was also extremely cool to see. We all thought they would be a little closer and more of a swarm. However, we were glad to see it. And they really were pretty close.

After a short break in the activity, the baby bats came flying out. There was no formation to their flight and they were closer to us yet still not a swarm. Over the course of the night probably another half a million or more would come out. They were so sporadic though it never felt like you were being overwhelmed.

We packed up in the busses and headed back to Alabaster Caverns. It was almost 10 pm.

We had decided earlier to go ahead and stay over the next day and see two more parks so we drove to Woodward and got a hotel. That’s about as rustic as we get. We’re not really “campers.” Maybe we will be before this state park experience is all over.

Tour Oklahoma: Great Salt Plains State Park 07/23/09

I had been working and had done no planning on this trip at all. Tina and Tammy planned everything. I drove our van with the boys and followed Tina who rode with Tammy and the girls. We left early and headed towards Jet, Oklahoma to the Great Salt Plains.

I was stunned when we drove up. It looked like a beach with an ocean. It was incredible. Tina and Chase had been there a few years ago on a school field trip.

I thought we were at an Oklahoma State Park until later in the day. I would have checked it off our list. Actually we were at a National Wildlife Refuge.

According to information on their website:

The refuge's namesake is designated as the "largest such saline flat in the central lowlands of North America." The 10,000 acre salt flat is only a third of the refuge land; The 32,000 acre refuge is complete with open water, wetlands, prairies, woodlands and farm fields.

An estimated 30,000 visitors were at the area annually to dig for the selenite crystal with its unique hour glass inclusion. This is the only known site where these crystals are found. The selenite crystal is designated as the Oklahoma State Crystal.

The weather was beautiful and not too hot. Everyone started digging for crystals and was having a great time. I refrained from getting dirty and appointed myself videographer. (I couldn’t get the equipment all salty!)

Reagan didn’t eat much for breakfast and after leaning over and digging for about twenty minutes he stood up and then passed out. Tina freaked out a little. I, however, remained calm, cool and collected as I am trained by the Red Cross in CPR and First Aid. (You should be too!) We got him to the van, cooled off and fed and he was fine and went back to digging for more crystals.

We left and headed to a place Tammy knew of in Jet where everyone could shower before we ate lunch. As we turned in to “the place to shower” I saw the Great Salt Plains State Park sign and realized we were just now entering the state park!

“Where had we been?” I asked everyone.

They thought I was crazy that I didn’t realize we hadn’t been at the state park. Everyone showered while I went around and took a few pictures of the park. We didn’t have time to hike any trails but we did take a few pictures near the dam. Yes, we took “dam pictures.”

We headed off to find someplace to eat and that was the end of our trip to Great Salt Plains State Park. I’m sure the park was more beautiful than we got to experience.

The National Wildlife Refuge is something everyone should see at least once. I’m not sure how long I could hang out there digging for crystals but Tammy and her girls have been there four times and love it.

More State Parks

We planned a quick trip to go see the Selman Bat Watch at Alabaster Caverns along with our friend Tammy and her daughters Haley and Lexie. What started out as seeing one park turned into four!

At the last minute Tina and Tammy decided to leave earlier and see the Great Salt Plains on the same day as the bat watch. Later that evening we spontaneously decided to spend the night in Woodward and stay the next day and see Boiling Springs and Little Sahara. We had a great couple of days blazing through four parks.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Great Wolf Lodge

Summer 2009 we went to Great Wolf Lodge. Tina's notes are below the slide show.

Monday, June 15, 2009

We planned to leave home around 8:00 a.m. in order to arrive at Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, Texas by 11:00 a.m. We left OKC around 10:00 a.m. and arrived at the Great Wolf Lodge around 1:15 p.m. (including stopping one time for a restroom break and one more time for lunch).

We were able to check into our room early, as soon as we arrived. Check-in was supposed to be 4:00 p.m. We changed clothes and went to the water park. Inside there are five huge slides. The tornado and the green slide are the most fun! There is also a wave pool, a lazy river, Fort Mackenzie, which is a four-story tree house water fort, and two swimming pools that only go up to 3 feet deep. Outside there are two slides and the water only goes up to 3 feet deep.

We stayed at the water park until 6:00 p.m. then we ate dinner. We ate at the Pizza Hut inside the Lodge. It was yummy. Then, David went to get his massage we had purchased for him for Father’s Day. Chase, Reagan, and I went back to swim for a couple of hours. We also used the hot tub. It is both inside and outside. It felt wonderful. It wasn’t too hot. It was just right. Then, we all meet in the room around 8:00 and watched the Pink Panther 2.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We went to the Loose Moose Cottage, located in the Lodge, for the breakfast buffet. The breakfast was really good. There was a large variety to choose from. After breakfast, we purchased the MagiQuest game for Reagan. This game is an interactive game. The goal is to find certain items within the Lodge to complete the quest. It is kind of like a treasure hunt. It is pretty fun. All the kids seemed to be having fun playing it. It takes several hours to complete. We all four went around the hotel for a little while so Reagan could get started. Then, we went swimming. We ate lunch at the indoor snack shop in the water park. It was a little expensive and not that great. But, the advantage was that we did not have to dry off, change clothes and leave the Lodge.

After lunch, we swam some more. Around 5:00 we changed clothes and drove down the street a few miles to the find something to eat. We ended up at the Love and War in Texas restaurant. The chicken fried chicken was delicious! That is what Chase and I had. David was eating healthy so he had chicken fajitas plus a couple bites of my chicken fried chicken. Reagan had the kid’s steak. He really liked it. David had read in a magazine that the original Dr. Pepper bottling company was in Dublin, Texas. He asked the waitress if they had it there at their restaurant. They did. David ordered one for me. It is still made with Imperial Pure Cane sugar. It tasted a little different than what I am used to but, it was fairly close. David, Chase, and Reagan also tried it. They really could not tell a difference either.

After our yummy dinner, we went back to the Great Wolf Lodge. Chase did not feel well so he lay down and rested. David stayed with him while Reagan and I did some more MagiQuest. Reagan and I returned around 8:30. David took Reagan to complete some more tasks. I fell asleep at 9:45 p.m, which is when David and Reagan returned. David, Chase and Reagan watched T.V. for a while then went to sleep.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We slept in. I slept until 8:00 a.m. David, Chase, and Reagan woke up around 9 or 9:30 ish. We went to the breakfast buffet again. We had purchased the breakfast buffet when we reserved the room. This saved us approximately $12 per day. After breakfast, Reagan and I went to play a little more MagiQuest while Chase and David packed their stuff. Then, we all took the luggage down just before 11:00 a.m. so we could check-out.

While David and I checked out and loaded the van, Chase took Reagan to complete some more MagiQuest tasks. He did not get to do everything because we ran out of time. We should have started the first day we were there. He was able to complete all of the first round of tasks.

Then we all met in the lobby and went swimming some more. Chase and I rode the slides. Then, I joined David and Reagan in the lazy river. We stayed in there a long time. Chase joined us for a few minutes then we all went to the hot tub. We went outside for a little while, then back to the hot tub, then David and I dried off while Chase and Reagan went to Fort Mackenzie for a few minutes. Then we all changed clothes so we could go eat lunch. I think it was around 1:30.

We drove down the street to the Whataburger (that was Reagan’s request) and ate lunch. Then, we went to the Grapevine Mills Mall. We shopped for about an hour. I found some really cool Nike football cleats on sale for $30 for Chase. I was excited. Chase spent some of his birthday money. Then, we went to the movie theater there at the mall and watched Land of the Lost.

After the movie we drove for a while. Chase and Reagan wanted to eat at the Wiener Schnitzel we had seen on a previous trip through Texas. We found the little building but unfortunately it had closed one year before. So, we went to the Black Eyed Pea we had gone to last year.

Then, we drove home. We got home around 11:30 p.m.

Thursday we relaxed, got our air conditioner fixed and Chase and I went to Wal-Mart for groceries.

Friday we went swimming. Then, went to McDonald’s for lunch.

NYC & Philly

Tina and Chase went on a school trip back in 2008. I am just now getting around to posting Tina's notes about it. The story is below the slide show.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Chase and I went on the school’s Learning Enrichment Accelerated Program (I think) field trip. The kids in LEAP are the only kids that are ever allowed to go out of state over night. That includes the high school seniors. So, it is a privilege to be allowed to go on this exciting, educational trip.

Chase and I, along with 9 other adults and 21 other students left Oklahoma City at 4:40 p.m. We arrived at 11:00 p.m. after getting the rental bus. We arrived at the Embassy Suites, checked in and got settled in and fell asleep around 3:00 am.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

We (the entire group) left the hotel for the Franklin Institute around 9:30. The Franklin Institute is similar to the Omniplex in OKC except it is larger, there is more to do. The food was expensive and not very good. We did see a movie at the I-Max inside the Franklin Institute called Sea Monsters. It was about pre-historic dinosaurs. It was fairly interesting. That was my favorite activity at the Franklin Institute. I was ready to leave when it was time to go. We left around 4:00 p.m. Chase was shaking his pedometer to add steps, which he should not be doing. Wearing the pedometer is a requirement. He has a lot of homework to do on this trip, things like logging miles driven, gallons per mile, gasoline prices, writing paragraphs, essays, and sentences, etc.

We do not have to do anything tonight except get to our hotel, eat dinner and probably swim. Tomorrow we go to New York! I am excited about that!

When we arrived at Homewood Suites, we were told we would not be able to use the pool. They did have a jacuzzi with lukewarm water. We did not do much that evening and I think we were able to go to bed fairly early.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. we took a bus to the Port Authority (approximately a 45 minute ride in a bus standing in the middle isle). The bus driver pulled in, he let about 10 of our guys out of the bus. This included Chase and Kyle along with the 8th grade boys and dads. The bus driver stopped me and he said he just needs to move up a little. I think, oh okay. I did not understand that would mean we could be separated but it did. My group of people went downstairs with Mrs. Benda. The other group apparently went upstairs. Our cell phones were not working very well since we were in the basement. We finally were able to reach one of the other parents in the other group and reunite.

Then, we walked several blocks to get our hop on hop off passes (near 48th & Broadway, I believe). Chase almost got ran over by a Taxi driver. Being in New York is just like what you see on TV. New Yorkers WILL run you over if you do not get out of their way. We waited in line for the tour bus to pick us up. We got on the bus in Time Square, we were on the tour bus for about 1 hour. I cannot remember anything we drove by (my notes were written Thursday evening after an incredibly exhausting day).

When we got off of the bus tour we went to the Empire State building. We paid $10 per person to move ahead in line and see a movie (approximately 10 minutes about New York). It was similar to the Star Wars ride at MGM (Magical Gas Making according to Reagan). It was fun. Then we went up to the 80th floor of the Empire State building. Then, we walked quickly up 6 more flights of stairs to the top. I thought I would be scared to death because I am afraid of heights, but instead I was too concerned about losing my kids. You can pay $15 more to go up to the 102nd floor observatory. Chase wanted to but we did not have time. The group was ready to go back down. I was able to get some really good photos on top of the Empire State building.

Then, when split up and went our separate ways. The 6th graders did decide to stick together again on this day. We all walked across the street and purchased hot dogs and drinks from the street vendor. (2 hot dogs, 2 Gatorades for $10.) The hot dogs were good.

We shopped at a couple of shops very quickly. This is when I purchased 8 t-shirts for $10. Two or three of them ended up having holes in them. But, that is still a pretty good deal. Then, we hopped on the hop on hop off bus and went to Little Italy the trip took approximately 45 minutes to an hour. We barely had time to sit down to eat pizza. We ate quickly. The pizza slices were large. We only ordered 2 large pizzas, 1 pepperoni, 1 cheese. With drinks for 13 people. It only cost $60. Chase and several others from our group purchased sorbet from a street vendor. It is similar to ice cream. I took a small bite of Chase’s. It was strawberry. He liked it okay, but I did not. Then, we walked back to get on the tour bus. We waited for a tour bus for a long time. We were worried about missing our group for our 6:00 night bus tour. Going to a few shops, eating the pizza and sorbet took us 4 hours. Most of that time was on the tour bus or waiting for a tour bus.

The night tour bus trip was about 2 hours. We got on around 7 pm. It took us through Brooklyn and Manhattan. We drove past Seinfeld’s Diner. It was between 22nd and 23rd on 3rd in New York City right before we got off the tour bus. Chase was helping me remember some of this stuff. I said the tour was mildly entertaining. He said, “No.” Plus, it was very cold. The weather was in the 60’s during the day and dropped at night.

When, we got finished with the night tour around 9 p.m. we headed back to the hotel. Chase and Kyle were hungry and quickly purchased a shish-ka-bob. They think it was chicken. They said it was good. $4 each.

We walked a few blocks back to the Port Authority, rode bus to hotel, walked right behind the hotel to a Panera Bread. It was our only option. Then, back to our rooms. We got to bed around midnight because we had to be packed and ready to leave the next morning, Thursday, at 7:30 a.m.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

We went to the Port Authority, then walked a few blocks to a subway station. We purchase tickets (cards to swipe). I think it cost $2.05 per person. Then, we got on the subway during rush hour. I hated the subway. People packed in like sardines, yuck! One Dad had his wallet stolen. He had his hand on his wallet almost the entire time. But, the pick pocket got it anyway. No talking to any body on the subway. Hold your money and your loved ones close!

We had taken the subway to see the Statue of Liberty. We stood in line for approx. 1.5 hours, from 10:20 to 12:05. The ferry ride was about 10 minutes. We got to the Island at 12:15. We only had 30 minutes to take pictures, use the bathroom and look around because the ferry to take us to Ellis Island left at 1:00. We missed it because not everyone was back in time to take it. There is a museum at Ellis Island (I believe it is the one in the Hitched with Will Smith and Kevin James where the girl sees her family members name on the list of immigrants coming to America). Since we missed that ferry we decided to go back to New York (meaning back to where we got on the ferry, where the subways ended.) We got back on the subway to go back to the Port Authority, to buy a bus ticket, to take us back to the hotel to get the vans. Hallelujah! It was really cool to see the Statue of Liberty. I was able to get some good pictures.

We left the hotel around 4 p.m. (I think) to drive to Lancaster, PA. We arrived in Lancaster at 7:45 the traffic was bad when we left Philadelphia.

We had reservations to eat at the Amish restaurant for 6 p.m. Obviously, we missed our reservation but they were kind enough to stay open for us. Thank goodness. We were all starving. Many of us had gone back into our hotel before we left to get a snack for the ride to Lancaster. I’m glad Chase and I did.

Anyway, the Amish restaurant wasn’t very Amish. Chase says it looked like Swadley’s, which cracks me up because basically he is correct. We might have more of an Amish experience if we had arrived on time. I am not sure, though. The food was pretty good. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. We had fried chicken, bow tie noodles (very good), carrots (soaked in butter), rolls, and for dessert we had apple cobbler or we could have an Amish desert. I forgot the name of it. I had the apple cobbler. It was okay.

From the Lancaster, PA, we drove about 1 hour to Grantville, to the Hampton Inn. We all went to sleep. I think it was around 11:30 p.m.

Friday, May 2, 2008

We went to the Hershey Museum first. Then, we went to Hershey Park. Chase, Kyle, and I hung out by ourselves. We ate pizza for lunch. Chase and Kyle both won prizes for throwing the football through a hole. Chase won 2 footballs. Kyle won 2 bears but the guy let him trade up to an eagle for free for one of the bears (he just offered – we did not ask). I thought that was nice of him. When it got a little warmer around 4 ish Chase and Kyle rode the Tidal Force water ride. They were soaked from head to toe. Then, they stood on the bridge where the water rushes over it. They told me to go with them because if you stand by the plexiglass, you won’t get wet but it looks really cool to see the water rushing right at you. I went with them. They were right. It was really cool! The day we went was the first day the amusement park was open. It was not crowded at all. We barely had to wait in line all day. And, the weather was perfect! It was so much fun!

We went back to the Hershey Museum to pick up our chocolate Hershey’s kisses that we had put together in the gear boxes. We also rode a 10 minute ride that explained how the chocolate is made. The boys tossed Chase’s football around while we waited for the other group to arrive. We left the park around 6:30 p.m. and drove back to Philadelphia to the same Embassy Suites hotel we had stayed at on Monday night. We stopped to eat dinner at the Ruby Tuesday right across the street. They had a paid police office on duty (interesting). Then, we went back to the hotel and to bed.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

We left the hotel around 10:30 a.m. (I was probably awake by 7:00 a.m. again). We drove to Historic Philadelphia. We broke up into groups and went where we wanted. All the sites and museums were closer that I first realized. Several of us went to The City Tavern. We ate lunch there. We had a salad, a turkey pot pie and apple cobbler. The food was very good. The water was not. The food was served in pewter dishes. They gave us a deal on the meal since there were 15 of us. It cost $12.95 plus tax per person. Normally, I think it would have been $14.95 plus tax per person plus tip.

The coolest part of the meal was that the Tavern is where Washington, Jefferson, and the other founders of our country gathered together to eat dinner and discuss their plans to break away from England.

I left my back pack upstairs while we ate. Fortunately, I needed a Kleenex before we finished and was able to go upstairs to retrieve it. I can not believe I did that. I had my travel pouch with my money, my camera, and the backpack, plus I was having to prod Kyle to get up to stay with the group. (I had to do this the entire trip. I wished I had a cattle prod to use on him and Chase, especially in New York!)

After lunch, we walked back to see Carpenter’s Hall and the Military Museum. Carpenter Hall was pretty cool. The military museum was closed. It was only open from 3-5 p.m. that day. So we went to Independence Hall, then looked at a couple of statues then back to Independence Hall. We had a tour scheduled for 3:00. We were supposed to meet at 2:45 so we waited for everyone else. The tour was 30 minutes long. It was cool also. The tour guide gave us the history info for 15 minutes in one room then we went in to see the Hall. There was a court room. The guide was standing in an iron stand thing. He said that is where the prisoners “stood trial.” Which is why we call it “standing trial” today. Then we turned around and went into another room. The room where the Constitution was drafted (I think). After that we split into smaller groups again. We went and took pictures at the Liberty Bell.

Then we found a vendor on the street that sold Philly cheese steaks. We all three bought one. They were really big (1 foot long). We got the Philly cheese steak, l large Gatorade and a 3 small cookies for $9.95 each. They were really yummy! Then, we went to ride the carriage ride. Our guide was Angie; her horse’s name was Tom. The carriage ride was fun and relaxing. The 40 minute ride cost $40 plus $5 tip. The guide showed us some historical stuff and the cemetery that is in the movie National Treasure and some historical stuff. It was much smaller in real life.

Then, we met the rest of the group again at 6:00 p.m. We drove to the mall. Half of the group went shopping the other half of us went to the movies to see Iron Man.

After the movie, we drove back to our hotel. We arrived around 11:00 p.m David sent Chase and me some cookies. That was very sweet of him! There were some not-so-nice looking people walking around in the lobby. Jackson’s dad, Mr. Sharp, who is a police officer, suggested we all stay in our rooms. I, of course, thought that was a great idea. Mr. Sharp mentioned that he did not think the security guard on duty would be much help if we needed him. Chase and I joked about that later. We agreed with Mr. Sharp. The security officer was about 5 foot 0 inches tall and he looked like he was 80 years old.

Also, that night, in the middle of the night, I could have sworn something crawled across me, like a mouse or something. I grabbed my cell phone to use it as a light. I did not find anything. I made myself NOT think about it so I could go back to sleep.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

We loaded up the vans and left for the airport around 10:15 a.m. When we arrived in Detroit, we had approximately 30 minutes to get to our next gate. The kids had to use the bathroom, of course. We were literally running to our next gate to catch our flight home. It was a long way away.

I was so happy to get home!!

Things I learned on the trip:

Eat when you have the chance.
Use the bathroom when you are near one.
Don’t count on staying on schedule (everything takes longer with 32 people).
Always request to have your own map (if there are maps available).
Always take your ipod for nights you can not sleep.
You will learn interesting facts about the kids your kid goes to school with.
You will miss your husband and youngest child as much as you thought you would.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Chase Wins The Game!

So Chase's 7th grade basketball team (in the purple) is playing Newcastle. They get the ball with 35 seeconds or so and the score tied and Chase makes (what we thought was) the winning shot until a Newcastle kid goes down and hits a three.

Then we call time out with 7 seconds. Chase gets the ball. He shoots...he scores. We win!
